What is it:

Definition virtual office:
An officially recognized business address in modern office building in a prime location in Rotterdam.
You rent a number of physical square meters of office space that is furnished for shared use.

What will you get?

At Virtual Office Rotterdam you will get:

  • An official business and postal address for your business, recognized by the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce.
  • This address comprises a modern office building to which the postal services and other courier services will deliver your mail.
    We will receive all mail and keep the mail intended for you in a separate locked letter box.
  • This mail can be forwarded to another (private) address weekly or monthly.
  • It is also possible for us to scan your mail and forward it to you by e-mail (additional costs).
  • You will rent a number of physical square meters of office space in this building; this space:
    • is physically present in this building and assigned to your company,
    • is equipped as office space: with desks, chairs, network, etc.,
    • you are sharing with other virtual office renters,
    • is available upon appointment for you to work in or to receive visitors,
    • the number of physical square meters depends on the set-up of your business.

During office hours and on appointment only, you can additionally:

  • use a meeting room
  • have your mail forwarded more frequently (additional charge).

Virtual office for companies only

Virtual offices are intended for companies only. Companies include: self-employed persons, general partnerships, partnerships, foundations, associations, private limited companies, etcetera. Not all legal forms are allowed.
For that reason, it is essential that you provide your Chamber of Commerce registration number (KvK number) to us or your application form for this number if your company is in the process of formation.
NOTE: Private persons without a Chamber of Commerce registration number cannot order a virtual office from us. You are NOT permitted to use this address for registration in the municipal personal records database.